02 August | 29 August 2003

Opening 02 August 2003 6 p.m.


The artist Pietro Rouge, painter and sculptor, was born in Marigliano near Napoli on 21 May 1959. Graduated at the Liceo Artistico and the Napoli's Accademia di Belle Arti, he developed his research into painting, bronze wood marble glass sculpture and design.

Actually he is Member of the Commissione Arte Sacra e Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici of the San Marco Argentano's Curia Vescovile. He lives and works in Scalea near Cosenza where his Studio d'Arte has the seat.

The painting at the I Collettiva Biennale di Venezia was inspired with the Bosnia's war. During that event a lot of women were raped and compeled to give birth to children of the sexual abuses.

The sculpture symbolizes the woman greatness as in the ratio of three to one with man that becomes elated as her servant.

Artistic Direction's Advice
Art Gallery III Millennium

Versatile and live wire artist, he strikes with his expressive strength and with the brightness way he handles the matter. Notable is the draw's mastery. The sculpture is a clear example of romantic erotism, while the painting is into the neoexpressionist trend of german origin.

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